You love your family, that goes without saying, but the stresses of everyday life can make it difficult to show how you feel. Whether you are a mom or a dad, work outside the home, at home or simply raise your kids, it can be hard to find time for everything you would like to do. This section has various tips for family activities, parenting and more.
When Can You Let Your Kids Stay Home Alone?
There comes a time when you want to let your kids stay home alone so you can run errands without them. When is a good time for that?A Reminder About Water Safety
With summer comes more risk from kids being around pools and other bodies of water. A quick reminder to watch them more carefully.How Do You Combine Working at Home With Homeschooling?
Homeschooling has become more and more popular in recent years. Just how practical is it to homeschool your kids when you also work at home?5 Tips to Make the Most of Being a Stay at Home Mom
Most stay at home moms consider what they do a real treat. But are you making the most of your time as a stay at home mom?Play with me, Mommy!
It's so easy to forget to make time for playing with the kids with all the demands on your time as a parent. But playing is not the only thing you can do with your children."But it's not educational!"
All too often these days, parents focus on getting educational toys for their kids while forgetting about fun. Is it really necessary?Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Traveling with children isn't all that easy, but with a little planning your trip will be far more pleasant.Keep your kids busy on wintery days
When winter comes the kids quickly tire of being cooped up inside. It's time to find some creative activities to keep them busy.Can You Stay Home?
Being a successful stay at home parent requires planning, starting from before you even leave your job. You need to calculate what the impact will be on your family's finances and more.Easy Summer Family Fun
Summertime is one of the easiest times to get the kids out to play at first, but eventually, the chorus of "Mom, I'm bored," is bound to start. Be prepared.Where DO you get the time?
Managing your time as a stay at home parent doesn't just help you get things done during the day, it can help you have more fun.Pre-School and Kindergarten Kids Help at Home
What can you expect your preschooler or kindergarten student to help out with around the house?Am I Hurting My Child By Staying Home?
Parents always find things to feel guilty about the job they're doing. But should you feel bad about being a stay at home parent?Stay at Home Mom Pride
"Just" a stay at home mom? Says who???Are SAHMs and WAHMs Underemployed?
With all the negative stereotypes, choosing to be at home with your family can be pretty tough. But should you be considered underemployed?Staying home costs too much!
The cost of going down to one income keeps many women from choosing to stay home to raise their families. It may not cost what you think.Sometimes Parents "Win" By Giving In
Sometimes saying "no" isn't the best way to handle a problem with your child. Talking over the issues and deciding what compromises can be made or not is very important.Hidden Gifts: What To Know So Your Child Isn't Overlooked
How can you tell whether or not your child is gifted even if his or her school hasn't decided to test for being gifted.How to Cope with Stay at Home Burnout
Being a stay at home mom is exhausting and breaks are hard to come by. So what do you do when you can't do any more?Quiet Time for Parents
Get a little peace and quiet for you. The kids aren't the only ones who sometimes need to wind down.Play with me, Mommy!
The kids want time with Mommy, but Mommy needs to get things done. What to do, what to do?Plan a Halloween Party they’ll never forget!
Halloween can be a lot of fun for the entire family. There's much more to do than go trick or treating.
This is where it all starts for many stay at home moms. The thought of leaving your baby behind at a daycare while you go to work is just too much.Health and Safety
As a parent, you want your children to be safe and healthy. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, but a little planning can really help.Fitness Tips
Having kids makes keeping fit much harder. Running out to the gym isn't easy now. However, there's a lot you can do from home with minimal equipment.Websites for Kids
Children today go online a lot. This list can help you to find safe websites for them to visit and play at.Pets
Who could forget the animal members of the family?Mommy Time
While it's easy to keep sacrificing your free time for your family, it isn't healthy. Moms, find time for yourself!
Copyright © 2003-2025 Stephanie Foster unless otherwise indicated
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